Connecting Digitally: Providence’s Virtual Fundraising Event

Client Overview

Providence University College and Theological Seminary, a respected institution known for its commitment to academic excellence and Christian values, aimed to host an online fundraising event to support its educational programs and campus development initiatives. The challenge was to create a compelling digital experience that would resonate with alumni, donors, and the broader community who could not gather together due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The goal was to produce a high quality video version of the Harvest Festival which honoured the tradition of the event, all the while presenting it in a way that was both engaging and action-inspiring for their viewing audience. The videos needed to fit together to inspire viewers to contribute financially and engage meaningfully with the event.


Our team focused on three key aspects of video production to ensure a successful online fundraising event:

  1. Storytelling:

    • Compelling Narratives: We crafted stories that highlighted the personal and professional successes of Providence alumni, current students, and faculty members. These narratives showcased the impact of Providence’s education and community.

    • Emotional Appeal: By emphasizing the transformative experiences, heartfelt testimonies, and music, we aimed to connect with viewers on an emotional level, motivating them to support the institution.

  2. Production Quality:

    • Professional Filming: We utilized high-definition cameras and professional lighting to ensure top-notch video quality. This attention to detail helped maintain a polished and engaging appearance throughout the event.

    • Editing and Post-Production: Our team meticulously edited the footage, incorporating dynamic transitions, background music, and on-screen graphics to enhance the storytelling and keep viewers engaged.

  3. Diverse Content:

    • Variety of Segments: We produced a range of video segments, including interviews, campus tours, event highlights, and messages from key figures such as the president and prominent alumni.


  • Pre-Event Coordination: We collaborated closely with Providence’s Development and Marketing teams to understand their vision and goals. Our team conducted interviews, filmed on-campus scenes, and collected relevant footage in the months prior to the event.

  • Event Launch: The online fundraising event kicked off with a powerful opening video that set the tone for the evening. Throughout the event, our videos were strategically placed to maintain viewer interest and drive the fundraising message home.

  • Interactive Elements: We included live Q&A sessions in the video chat on Facebook and real-time donation updates to foster a sense of community and immediacy.


The online fundraising event for Providence University College and Seminary was a success:

  • Fundraising Goal: The event surpassed its fundraising goal, thanks in part to the engaging and emotionally resonant video content.

  • Viewer Engagement: The event saw high levels of viewer engagement, with positive feedback on the quality and impact of the videos. Many viewers expressed a deeper connection to Providence’s mission and a renewed commitment to support the institution.


Our video production efforts for Providence University College and Seminary’s online fundraising event demonstrated the power of high-quality, storytelling-driven content. By focusing on compelling narratives, professional production, and diverse video segments, we successfully engaged viewers and inspired them to contribute generously to the institution’s mission. This case study underscores the importance of strategic video production in creating impactful digital events.


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